Sisters looking at the crowds and cars below.
Here are some tidbits about Dani:
- She hates the elevator. I mean HATES it. Screams and cries for the entire ride. Doors open, you step out, and she stops.
- She loves her shoes that we brought from Texas. LOVES her shoes. She wore them over her footie jammies today and didn’t want to take them off for her nap.
- They have these “milk boxes” here that she sucks down in no time flat. Zoom and the box is empty.
- She likes all food so far except congee and carrots. Every other thing from veggies to cookies she has loved.
- She opens her mouth so wide to take a bite. It’s really, really cute.
- Her little voice is adorable. We are hearing it more and more as she gets comfortable with us.
- We saw more of her personality today. She showed us a little mischievous side and a stubborn side. Plus an actual tantrum.
This was about 24 hours after meeting Dani.
This was taken on 3.06.2014
Pretending to give Daddy food.
The day was very mellow for us because it was cold and rainy outside. In the morning we basically watched Dani play 🙂 She is so meticulous and curious about the toys we brought. Mike put a coloring book in front of her and gave her a twistable crayon and showed her how to color. She didn’t like that and instead set up a couple stacking cups and grabbed an empty soda bottle and some of the crayons. Then she proceeded to pretend to pour some of the bottle into the cups. After that she used the crayons to stir and then pretended to paint on the coloring book. She looked exactly like an adult artist. It was so cute! A little while later she had the bag from the crayons and she would unzip it, empty the bag, zip it, fill the bag, zip it and repeat the entire thing. This went on for over an hour with her trying all kinds of combinations of crayons.
I knew that Nadia was in serious need of some “Mommy time” so after getting the big girls a bath I took her with me on a walk. We bundled up and borrowed an umbrella from the hotel and headed out. She talked to me every single second that we were gone. We needed to cross the street at one point and I asked to stop talking and hold on tight. We ran across the street, stopped in the middle and then ran the rest of the way. She screamed at the top of her lungs the entire way because of all the horns honking. Once we crossed the street she said, “We’re not Chinese Mom! We should have just taken a cab back!” We picked up more diapers and lunch and went back to the room. I didn’t take any photos of our adventures because it was raining and we were dodging so many people on the sidewalks.
Trying so hard to get her shoes on.
The girls had a nap and Dani didn’t cry at all when Mike laid her down. We gave her a bath when she woke up and she screamed like crazy, but she really needed to get clean. The rest of the evening all the girls played and we just watched. We ordered room service for dinner and I started packing up our stuff since we were going to leave in the morning. Dani was a lot more relaxed with us all day and let me feed her and hold her a little bit too.
*PS for those who have been praying for Amelie. She is getting a little better each day with the jealousy. We just keep hugging her and telling her how much we love her.