Just before bedtime.
First off I will say that Amelie is dealing with a little jealousy (which is totally understandable) and we are trying to help her be calm and encourage her to do “big sister” things to help Dani. We are also letting her put on unlimited amounts of glitter lip gloss 🙂 I also don’t think she is getting her usual amount of sleep because of all the excitement and she is a kid that really needs her sleep.
Silly girls cracking themselves up.
The girls woke up at 5 am again and we brought them in the bedroom to color and craft while Dani slept. Dani got up at 5:30 because she pooped and she was all kinds of upset. Mike calmed her down and we just hung out in the room until we could go to breakfast. As soon as I got out her clothes and got her dressed she was so excited and climbed off the bed and took off to explore the hotel room. We hadn’t seen her do anything like that yet. She has been either sitting and playing or having us hold her. It was really cute to watch her, but then she kept going to the door and saying in Chinese what I assume was “Let’s go!” We went down to breakfast and she cried a little in the elevator both ways. She did really well at breakfast and ate a lot of food and she showed us the first thing she didn’t like to eat – congee. And the orphanage docs said she liked it, but they also said that about Amelie and she wouldn’t eat the stuff either. Once we got back from breakfast she was really upset and sad. She just sat on our laps or on the bed next to us. She didn’t want to play with any toys or be played with. She just wanted to hold her shoes in her hands and she seemed really sad. We let her see the girls get a bath and then put some water in the baby tub and gave her a quick sponge bath and she screamed and screamed. Whew. After that she just wanted to sit on Mike’s lap or be near him being mellow.
Can you see the little tear in her eye? And you can barely see the shoe in her hand.
We decided to head over to McDonald’s for lunch and when Mike got the carrier Dani perked right up!!! She reached for him and then turned herself around to back up towards him so he would strap her in. She was trying to help him buckle and remembered to lift her arms up so he could do the top. She was smiling and talking again right away. It was so super sweet! The rain had finally stopped and it wasn’t so cold and we enjoyed our walk. She loved the fries and nuggets which didn’t surprise me since they gave us a photo of her eating at KFC. After lunch we went over to the RT Mart to look for another pair of shoes for her, but they didn’t have any good choices. I picked up another package of wipes and more Oreo flavors we hadn’t tried yet. Once we got back to the hotel room, we put the girls down for a nap and they all slept for 3 hours!
Dani was in better spirits when she woke up and got really excited when I offered her a banana. She was grabbing at it and trying to help me peel it. After she finished that off I took her into the bedroom again and sat her on the bed with me. After a while she wanted to play with the stacking cups again. This went on for more than an hour. She was very intense trying all kinds of combinations and arrangements of the cups. Then Mike played with her for quite a while and I set the big girls up with some travel package Play-Doh we brought along.
She kept moving around until she had the pillows arranged “just so”
Looking for Daddy.
Look at that pooch. I love it!
The rest of the evening was nice, just being a family. We had dinner in the room again and after I changed Dani into her jammies she was sitting on my lap. Then Mike went into the other room and she scooted right off my lap and went looking for him. It was super cute! I got down on the floor so I could snap some photos of her walking around checking out the room. Then she wanted to be back with Mike and soon it was time for bed. It was a very good day for us.
Now photos for fun:
Socks drying in the bathroom
Every checkout line in China has condoms, gum and snickers.
I feel like the average American would wig out if they had to walk up and pick their chicken out of an open refrigerator like this
This is what was in the bag from the orphanage. It’s so much food that it just made me laugh.