On Thursday night of last week it sleeted almost all night. I tossed and turned virtually all night because of the “tick tick tick” hitting the window. Rain sounds great, but sleet, not so much. The title of this blog post is just one of the many names given to the insane amount of ice that covered the DFW area. It looked so pretty, just like snow, but it was solid ice. The entire area of nearly 7 million people just shut down for 4 days. Unless you were a first responder, hospital/nursing/assisted living worker or air traffic controller, you stayed home. The photos of 18 wheelers stuck on I35 for 18 hours because they were stuck in ice were so weird. There were an astounding number of car accidents and entire freeways were closed so that “cobblestone ice” could be removed. We are so thankful to God that we didn’t lose power like so many other in our area.
Videos were going around of people ice skating on their street or parking lots.
As you can see from the photos and video, our girls absolutely loved it!! For them it was just as good as snow and I am glad they had so much fun playing outside everyday.
When we finally got out of our neighborhood on Monday to grab some prescriptions and milk for Mike’s mom, tons of the shelves were empty. I have never seen anything like it. I know it’s a big joke that Texans can’t handle the snow, but this was some kind of dangerous and different situation. We still had school, did crafts, and played games so we didn’t experience the cabin fever so many of our friends did. Maybe we should have called it “Jammie-a-thon 2013.”