I am thankful that we had 4 generations present to celebrate Nadia’s 7th birthday!
Drip Pumpkins

So I saw this awesome pumpkin idea over at the Imagination Tree ( I love her blog). This was really easy to do with some mini pumpkins from Target and acrylic paint from Michael’s. I let the girls pick the glitter colors at the store and the rest we had at home in our craft stash.
Yeah for gravity!
Once they dried I put a coat of Mod Podge on to prevent the paint from peeling. The girls were really excited with how these turned out and were so happy to put them outside with the other pumpkins on the porch. And it was oh so easy to do and clean up, so I highly recommend this activity!
Happy 7th Birthday Nadia!!

October 2013
Happy 7th birthday Nadia! You are the most fun kid I have ever been around and your laughter in infectious. You seem to get more and more witty with each passing month. You have a great love of learning and the inventive things you come up with at play time are fun for everyone. You analyze everything from how things work to what people meant when they said something. You love Star Wars, Superheros, drawing, crafting and making videos. Your favorite travel place to go is the beach and you love to make gifts for those that you love. You have great compassion for others and you always make sure we do our family devotion each day. We love you Nadia and the precious gift that you are!
Here is a look back at our sweet girl.
First beach trip – 2007
1st birthday – 2007
2nd birthday – 2008
Beach – 2009
3rd birthday – 2009
4th birthday – 2010
Beach – 2011
5th birthday – 2011
Beach 2012
6th birthday – 2012
Beach 2013
Thankful Thursday
- For our house and 3 toilets that I need to clean.
- For our washer and dryer.
- For our dishwasher and refrigerator.
- For our computers and cell phones.
- For the vast variety of foods available to us each and everyday.
- For A/C and heater.
- For clean water.
- For comfortable beds and blankets.
- For medicine and immunizations.
This list is to remind me of the things that are so easy to take for granted, rather than be thankful for. There are people all over the world who dream of having a life as easy as mine.
What are you thankful for today?