I love, LOVE, L-O-V-E the 4th of July. It’s a holiday that makes me happy because I love living in America. Having kids just ramped up my desire/helped to justify my celebrating. Last year we tried the city of Arlington 4th of July parade. It was great and we decided to go again this year and invited friends.
Cute girls all around!! So glad they family joined us.
Awesome fly-over this year.
After the parade we came home and made sugar cookies that were heavy on the sprinkles.
Nadia’s face here is hilarious!
Then the girls put on a parade for Mike and I. With each pass they would change instruments. These are priceless moments to remember.
Last year we went out to the Haltom City/North Richland Hills/Richland Hills joint fireworks display. It was great and didn’t have giant crowds to fight, so we planned to go again this year. Once again, it was a great show and Amelie was laughing hysterically for a quite a while when the fireworks began. It was a long day filled with fun and I look forward to next year.