View from Eddie and Kim’s front yard. So beautiful and different from our view in Texas.
Our June road trip continued with us driving from Eureka Springs, AR to West Virgina. We went to visit Eddie, Kim and all the kids. It was so fun to catch up since we haven’t seen them for two years. We got there on Fathers Day and had a light lunch then Evan and his girlfriend Kerrie kept the girls so the rest of us could go and see “Man of Steel.” The movie was great and the girls had fun with Evan and Kerrie.
That night we all went to eat the Mountain State Brewing Company for some fantastic wood fired pizza. WOW it was great! They had an amazing Nutella Smore Pizza that we got for dessert.
Fathers Day 2013.
The next day the girls played and played together while the adults visited.
Claire, Amelie, Nadia and Reagan.
That night we had Kim’s fantastic spaghetti and meatballs and then headed to watch Claire and Julie’s softball game. It was a quick visit, but I am so happy we had a chance to see them and catch up with everyone.