The last day of Museum School was 4 days after Amelie’s surgery and I knew she would be so sad to miss, but she had been in a lot of pain. But she slept all night on Monday so I gave her some pain meds and warned them not to let her operate heavy machinery when I dropped her off 🙂
Nadia wanted to make candy for her teachers for a goodbye and then decorate the bags. All the little items on there had something to do with what they learned this year or something about the teacher. It was really sweet to see all the effort she put in for them. I found myself feeling a little emotional that it was her last day of Museum school after taking her up there for 3 years. What a wonderful place and she has learned so much and loves science more than anything else we study at home. The good thing is that she will be able to visit when we drop Amelie off next year.
I am so glad that the girls were able to go for one year together and the teachers told me that frequently they would be outside at the same time. They said that Nadia would always check on Amelie to be sure she was okay. I was told over and over, by both sets of teachers what a great big sister Nadia is to Amelie. Another great year is in the books!
And for reference – the first day of Museum School 2012-2013 on September 11, 2012.