I have to make a comment even though it’s Wordless Wednesday. I think it’s so funny that Amelie is holding her nose while the skunk is looking at her. PS. he didn’t smell at all.
Amelie and Scissors
Back in 2010 on the day we got Amelie’s referral a random thing happened. We got her file and were scrolling through it on the computer and in my head I thought, “Great. We can adopt her, she’s so cute, her hands aren’t really a special need, but HOW in the world will I teach her how to use scissors?”
Now trust me, I understand that I was totally hyped up from waiting and knowing that this would be the day we would be matched and it was all so exciting and that affected my thoughts so randomly. But the problem was that I didn’t say anything out loud. So after who knows how long Mike says, “Louanne, are you going to say something? Are we going to adopt her?”And I am like, “OF COURSE! Yes, sorry, I was thinking about scissors.” I instantly felt bad that I was ready to go get her tomorrow, but left Mike hanging there wondering.
Fast forward to last year and I am thinking about working with Amelie on new fine motor skill practice like scissors and that kind of thing. Being the supply loving person I am, I start checking out scissors everywhere. And I buy various types of “special” scissors. Some that are supposed to help toddlers or people with hand issues or whatever.
Turns out all it was all a waste of time and money. She does an awesome job with plain old school scissors that I picked up on an extra buck deal from CVS.
I am sure there is a lesson here for me on worrying 🙂
Dolphin Unit Study

As our regular readers know we love Unit Studies around here. After the Tiger unit Nadia wanted to Dolphins and I was excited about that. She has often heard me tell the story of when my friend Jessica and I swam with dolphins in Cancun, Mexico. This study came from Amanda Bennett’s site.
Nadia did more of the reading and writing on this study than the past since her skills are getting stronger each day. She had a lot of fun matching up the definitions to the words and to make it harder there were way more words to choose from than we used.
It would be an understatement to say the girls LOVED all the Dolphin videos we watched during this unit. Nadia declared the dolphin stampede her favorite.
We learned so many cool things about dolphins in this unit. One of the suggested books was a real life story of a man who saved a baby dolphin who had a hook stuck in it. While he was under water with the baby, the mother and father dolphin fought off a shark to protect the man and baby. Once I started reading Nadia begged me to finish the entire book in one night. She said, “It doesn’t matter how late I am up, I NEED to know how it ends.”
Once again this was a great unit with a lot of learning and fun. Next up we are planning on studying the Brain. When Nadia heard that a new unit was available she said, “Please buy it mom! I want to find out if there is water on my brain.”
Thankful Thursday
- For street tacos at Alvardo’s. I know that is random, but I really love their carnitas and barbacoa tacos.
- For all the cool things we have to do in the DFW area. From educational to just plain fun, I love living in this area.
- For how excited my girls get to see the bluebonnets all over the place.
- For having a heater and A/C. Especially when it’s 80 one day and 39 the next.
- For cookie bouquets.