Waiting for our turn to go in the courtroom.
Today we went to Dallas for Amelie’s re-adoption hearing. In Texas it’s just a formality to be able to get a Texas birth certificate for her. That way when she is older and needs a birth certificate for various applications and other needs she won’t have to deal with her Chinese one. We did the same for Nadia in 2008 and the same lawyer friend took care of everything for us. We got there early and the girls got a lot of attention and smiles because the hearings happen at the Dallas Juvenile Justice Center – and let’s just say there isn’t a lot of happy stuff going on in there.
We waited in the courtroom with several other families and we were called first to go before the judge. Jonathan asked us all the questions and the judge said that she accepted it, we posed for a photo – then bam we were out of the courtroom.
We filed our paperwork with the clerk and received the form we need to mail to Austin. We left the courthouse and headed for the Paris Coffee Shop in Fort Worth for breakfast and PIE!