5th annual PJ Book Exchange Party

5th Annual PJ party (2012)
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Look at all these beautiful kids!!!!

We had our 5th annual PJ party and book exchange and the group was our biggest yet! We did an exchange for the big kids and for the little ones, but not for the babies. Cindy hosted this year and we had a potluck lunch.

I totally adore this time with friends each year. It is one of my favorite things that we do in December.

5th annual PJ party (2012)

5th annual PJ party (2012)

The little’s after their book swap.

5th annual PJ party (2012)

5th annual PJ party (2012)

The big kids after their book swap.

5th annual PJ party (2012) 5th annual PJ party (2012)

The kids had a blast playing as they usually do. The girls did some crafts while the boy jumped on the bed. The mom’s had a chance to chat and I got to hold some sweet baby boys.

5th annual PJ party (2012)

And here is my favorite part of these yearly posts – the photos from prior years. And I haven’t repeated a pair of my jammies yet. Ha!

2008 pj party


2009 PJ party


2010 PJ party




Polar Express PJ Party 2012


One of our family Christmas traditions is to go see “The Polar Express” at the Fort Worth Science and History Museum. They have “Polar PJ Parties” and encourage everyone to attend in PJ’s. If you get there early they have activities for the children to do and hot cocoa for everyone. Dynamo the museum mascot is always there in his PJ’s too.

Polar Express 2012

Amelie waved at Dynamo, but was having no part of a photo.

Polar Express 2012

During the movie they hung this mural up on the wall so the kids could see it when they came out at the end.

Polar Express 2012

They made snowflakes out of coffee filters, felt the stuff inside disposable diapers heat up and expand, and made bracelets. It’s always a fun time!

Thankful Thursday

  • For friends – too many to list, but I love you guys!
  • For how well Nadia is doing in Chinese school. We just signed her up for the spring semester. Her new thing is to give me tests to see what I know. So far I am doing well on colors and fruit.
  • For all our fun family Christmas traditions.
  • For delicious treats.
  • For the fellow staff members at church.
  • For pumpkin pie from Costco.
  • For the “Truth in Tinsel” advent devotions I am doing with the girls.

Gingerbread Train

Gingerbread Train 2012
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Last weekend Mike took Nadia on a Daddy/Daughter adventure (separate blog post coming) and so Amelie and I had some Mommy/Daughter time. I thought we could make a Gingerbread Train since she loves them so much. I also knew that she would enjoy getting to do something on her own.

Gingerbread Train 2012

Gingerbread Train 2012

Gingerbread Train 2012

She was really funny wanting me to squirt icing here and there and she kept whispering to herself, “Dis candy not for eating… only for train. Dis candy not for eating… only for train.” She also hates her hand getting dirty, so each time she put a piece of candy on she would say, “Oh no! Icing!” So I gave her a wet washcloth to wipe her fingers on and then she started trying to negotiate with me, “Why not me lick my hands mama? I just lick them. It’s nummy in my tummy.”

Once we finished she was so proud and she looks at it every day and says, “I like my choo choo train. So pretty.”