Last weekend Mike took Nadia on a Daddy/Daughter adventure (separate blog post coming) and so Amelie and I had some Mommy/Daughter time. I thought we could make a Gingerbread Train since she loves them so much. I also knew that she would enjoy getting to do something on her own.
She was really funny wanting me to squirt icing here and there and she kept whispering to herself, “Dis candy not for eating… only for train. Dis candy not for eating… only for train.” She also hates her hand getting dirty, so each time she put a piece of candy on she would say, “Oh no! Icing!” So I gave her a wet washcloth to wipe her fingers on and then she started trying to negotiate with me, “Why not me lick my hands mama? I just lick them. It’s nummy in my tummy.”
Once we finished she was so proud and she looks at it every day and says, “I like my choo choo train. So pretty.”