Bathroom Conversations

At Costco yesterday Amelie said, “I need go baffroom.” This was a big deal since we are hopefully at the end of potty training. Then of course Nadia said she had to go and off we went into the large sized handicap stall. Nadia went first and this is what followed:

Nadia: “Can I go out and wash my hands by myself?”

Me: “No, just wait for your sister.”

Nadia: “Don’t worry, if a criminal grabbed me and said, ‘I’m a criminal, come here!’ I would punch him and scratch him and when he put me down I would say, ‘Leave me alone YOU CRIMINAL’ and then I would KICK HIM IN THE LEG!!!!”

Me: laughing.

Then we hear the hysterical laughter from the other stalls. While washing our hands one woman said, “Good job! If that ever happened you should kick and scream and scratch them.”

After the lady left Nadia said, “I think she thought I was cute!”


Tonight as I was about to brush Amelie’s teeth this was our conversation.

Me: “Great job being dry today Amelie!! 4 days with no accidents. What a big girl! 3 more days and you get to go to Braums for ice cream. Just you and Mommy and you can get an ice cream cone.”

Amelie: silent for a few beats…. “Tree more days?”

Me: “Yes”

Amelie: silent for a few more beats….. “I want money! I go shop Taaaget.”

All I could do was laugh.

Thankful Thursday

I know I have missed the TT post for weeks so here is a quick catch up – I am sure this list could be 100 times longer.

  • For friends who come to visit
  • For the rain this week – we have missed it
  • For new babies that have joined friends in the last couple of weeks
  • For all the food we have to eat
  • For clean drinking water
  • For the chance to volunteer once again for World Vision
  • For the success of VBS
  • For friends who babysit so Mike and I can go to the movies
  • For the funny stuff Nadia and Amelie say everyday
  • For Mike’s job
  • For our church and the people in it
  • For KIDS HOPE – year 7 is about to start!!
  • For all my KIDS HOPE volunteers – I couldn’t do it without them
  • For being able to do 35 REAL push-ups

VBS 2012 – Olympics!!!!

VBS 2012
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The theme for Vacation Bible School this year was the Olympics! All of the children were broken up by grade and each grade was a country that persecutes Christians. So each day the kids learned about the country and the people and prayed for peace and for believers in that country. Nadia was in the 1st grade class and Amelie was with the 3 years olds.  Last year Amelie was in the nursery so this was the first time in a class and she had a blast going to crafts, music and story time.  We had a lot of guests this year and nearly 140 kids every day in attendance. I thought this year was the smoothest VBS that I have ever been a part of.

VBS 2012

Once again I was in charge to getting the kids excited about the fund-raising and telling them a little story each day to motivate them. The girls raised money to buy Bibles for kids in Tucson, AZ and the boys raised money for the Kids of Courage through Voice of the Martyrs. I encourage you to check out their site to find out about kids who face persecution around the globe.  The change up for me this year was to be a part of the skit and I was really excited because if you know me well, then you know I am a ham! I was a puppet- the famous swimmer “Shark Spitz.”  The best thing by the end were the kids that came up to me to say, “Are you Shark Spitz? Or I know you are Shark Spitz!”

VBS 2012

Each morning we had to come early for skit practice so I brought the girls breakfast. Here they are with Lyla Kate who is Pastor Darwin’s granddaughter. He was Ronnie the Rooster and the biggest hit of the skit each day.

VBS 2012

Amelie loved the singing and dancing best, plus the teen helpers were so super sweet!

VBS 2012

Look how cool they set up the sanctuary.

VBS 2012 VBS 2012

The girls saying their verses and singing with their classes. It’s really adorable to see how excited the kids are to show their parents all they learned.

VBS 2012

It was a wonderful week, but exhausting for all three of us. The weekend ended up being a time of rest and recovery – Nadia even fell asleep on the couch Sunday for two hours while we were watching the Olympics and talking. That is totally unheard for her and Amelie took several 2.5 hour naps during the week.