This was the best shot I could get of all the kids. I can’t believe we even got them all in one place.
The Bates Boys had their birthday party at Pump It Up this year and it was great fun. The whole place is really cool and now that Nadia has been to 2 parties there this year she is asking if her next party can be here.
Amelie loves bounce houses (Nadia loves them if no one is bumping into her) and they were the only ones in this spot for a long time.
Isn’t that a cute pirate ship? Then everyone had cake pops – yum!
Amelie and Jonathan. A life lesson on gratefulness happened when Emily passed out the goody bags. Nadia looked in hers and then looked at what Elliott had next to her and said, “Hey! There are different ones for boys and for girls. I got a girl one!!” And I said, “Yes, because you are a girl.” She then got a sad look on her face because the boys had something with Spiderman inside. She did much better after we had a little talk about being grateful and content for what we are given.