I don’t know if I have ever said it here on the blog, but we are homeschooling year round. Here are my top 2 reasons: 1) because kids should be learning all the time anyway 2) I REALLY like to take time off when the weather is lovely in North Texas (it’s going to get ugly around here in a few weeks and inside activities are good!) So here is what we have been up to in May and the beginning of June.

“Be still my heart” says the book junkie mother. Nadia reading to Amelie.
Amelie with lacing cards and the Kumon beginning coloring book.
Amelie with her lacing beads by color. And she found a little snail friend in the backyard.
Nadia doing some Time 4 Learning.
Nadia doing her Chinese school homework while Amelie makes sticker creations.
We have also been doing some unit studies, reading lots of books, playing outside and crafting. The girls are also taking swim lessons 4 days a week and Nadia is still going to gymnastics one evening a week.