Thankful Thursday – Walk for Life

I can’t stand the abortion “discussion” in America.  It’s filled with euphemisms and justifications – terms like unwanted, unplanned, and inconvenient are tossed around to describe human life and pregnancy is treated like a disease. I have watched friend after friend in the last 3 years miscarry their babies and some were VERY far along. I have friends who delivered babies that they knew would not live and they held them in their arms as they died in the hospital. And even knowing the possible outcome they didn’t choose to abort the babies. There are people I know who are doing everything in their power to save their newborn babies and the pain they are facing everyday seems unbearable. The depth of their heartache is overwhelming to me when I hear from the flip side that you are “showing your power as a woman by aborting your baby.”

But I am also a person who believes that those of us who are against abortion should walk the walk. I think we should support women who are lost and confused and not sure what they are going to do. I think we should offer them a REAL choice, not just a choice to end a life and have them carry that scar around with them for the rest of their lives. I think that teen girls should be taught that they are valuable and worthy and it’s really okay if you wait! I think that we should support our local crisis pregnancy centers and encourage people to adopt babies. I think we should LOVE women no matter how they got pregnant.

All of that to say I am Thankful that once again my family and I took part in the Walk For Life last weekend. Our sponsors gave us $810 this year to support real options for women.

Walk For Life 2012
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Walk for Life 2012

Nadia was triking in the middle of the parking lot while I walked.

Walk for Life 2012

Amelie made two loops with me before joining Mike and Nadia in the middle.

Walk for Life 2012

Amelie’s favorite part? Her and Nadia got snacks at the end.

Walk for Life 2012

THANK YOU to all of our sponsors this year! God Bless you for your faithfulness and putting your money where your beliefs are.

Sidewalk Chalk Paint

I have no idea how I found this last week, but it looked so cute. You take equal parts corn starch and water, then stir together and add your food coloring. Next time I will double this per color so the girls have a lot more to work with.

Sidewalk Paint
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Here is what we started with – corn starch, water, big brushes, tablespoons and food coloring.

Sidewalk Paint

Sidewalk Paint

Sidewalk Paint

Sidewalk Paint

Sidewalk Paint

Amelie decided to paint her hands instead of the driveway. So that night she was rocking the Smurf hands even after washing her hands with 3 different kinds of soap. The problem? I didn’t have regular food coloring so I “thought” it would be okay to use my Wilton icing gel food coloring. So I am going to buy some regular food coloring for next time because the girls loved this activity.

Morning with Mommy

May 10, 2012

Music class ended for the semester before museum school this year. So this week we dropped Nadia off and Amelie asked her daily question, “Ride train? Choo choo?” I was expecting it so I said, “Do you want to go RIGHT NOW?” She said, “Yes! Ride train.” Then all the way up the road to the mini train she was saying, “Fun! Ride Choo Choo! Fun! Ride Choo Choo!” Then she would sort of laugh. Once we got to the depot she started asking for popcorn and “Train go faster? Now?” We got our tickets and I let her pick the seat.

May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012

“Go now? Faster now?”

May 10, 2012

Happy to have her popcorn now. Amelie must have said, “Fun!” about 50 times on the ride. We also looked for birds, squirrels and turtles. Every time the conductor made the train whistle she would laugh and smile.

May 10, 2012

After the train ride, we had a little more time so I swung by the Botanical Gardens to show Amelie this little frog statue. She said, “Hi frog!” I snapped a couple of photos and then she started to cry saying, “Frog, fall in.” It was weird and irrational, but also a little sad, so we left to go and pick up Nadia. Amelie promptly fell asleep on the way home.