After visiting with Mike’s mom we wanted to do something fun for the evening with the girls, and I had a Putt Putt Groupon so we headed over there. Turns out that Putt Putt is a ghost town on Mother’s Day, which meant we could have a great time with no crowds. Moms, and kids under six, get to play free so only Mike’s game came out of the Groupon amount. That left the balance for us to use on the little carnival rides and games. We played golf, rode the rides and then had some pizza and ice cream. The rest of our time we spent playing games and earning tickets for the cheap prizes that kids love so much 🙂
The highlight of the night for me was at some point when Nadia ran up to me at full speed and hugged my waist with all her might while looking up at me and saying, “Thank you so much for letting us come here Mommy!” Pure bliss.
Amelie would swing one time and then pick up the ball and put it in the hole. She had a blast and our game moved along at a steady pace.
Mid game photo op. On the last hole Nadia got a hole in one, which was pretty awesome!
The girls enjoyed these planes.
They were very serious about the spinning tea cups.
The girls had a blast with us on the small roller coaster. They had a lot more fun when it was going backwards.
After the girls pretended to ride the motorcycles, we headed over to the prize counter for them to redeem their tickets. They each went home exhausted and happy with their little bags of trinkets. A lovely end to a lovely weekend with my sweet family.