Valentine’s Day Unit Study

Valentines Day Unit Study
Click on the photo to see album

Here is what we started with for our unit study.

This unit study came from the Amanda Bennett site. This Valentine’s Day was so special for us because it was our 1 year Gotcha Day anniversary so I wanted to do a study as a part of all the fun stuff I had planned for the week. Here is a breakdown of the week.

Day 1: What Is Valentine’s Day?
Day 2: The History of Valentine’s Day
Day 3: Celebrating Valentine’s Day
Day 4: Science and Valentine’s Day
Day 5: Goodies and Gadgets of Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day Unit Study

Nadia got a kick out of making thumb-print hearts.

Valentine's Day Unit Study

Nadia designing a special Valentine.

Valentine's Day Unit Study

This is Nadia drawing the candy heart factory and the word phrases.

Valentine's Day Unit Study

Valentine's Day Unit Study

Nadia being silly with a blanket in her jammies and showing me the size of a child’s heart with the pear from her kitchen.

Valentine's Day Unit StudyValentine's Day Unit Study

The girls made candy necklaces. It took Amelie a LONG time, but she didn’t give up and I was proud of her.

Valentine's Day Unit Study



Here is Nadia’s completed lapbook.

We made lots of crafts and baked Valentine’s goodies. We learned about the human heart and how Hershey Kisses are made. I thought this was an all around fun unit.

Thankful Thursday


(this is not our bed, I just liked the photo/bedding and was trying to convey big and comfy for this post)

  • For BEDS!
  • For the fact that we have a bed, our girls each have a bed and even our guest room has a bed.
  • For the fact that every night I lay down in a room in my climate controlled house in a totally comfy bed with my own comfy blanket.
  • For the fact that I never have to wonder where I am going to sleep or if anyone is going to attack me or my children in the night like so many around the globe.

Muzzeei 2006 photo 02

This is Muzeyii our sponsored child in Uganda. A couple of years ago we sent an extra gift of $100 for his family at Christmas time. The World Vision staff took him shopping and look at what he chose – a bed!  He had never had a bed before. He was also able to buy the goat, set of clothes and those VERY large shoes for growing into.


Here is our sponsored child Fredy from Peru. The same year we sent his family an extra $100 gift for Christmas and guess what he bought – a bed! Plus blankets, a backpack, a goat and that cute little outfit for his mom! What a great kid!

My point of sharing this photos is not to say that Mike and I are so great for sponsoring kids, but to show that we completely take our life for granted so often. That something as simple as a bed can be an amazing thing to people around the world. We are so blessed by the kids we sponsor and the letters we received from them and their families, but especially through photos like these.

*If you are interested in sponsoring a child you can go here or let me know if you have any questions.

Homeschool Day at the Zoo

March 1, 2012

Amelie and the Georges having a banana. Click the photo above to see the whole album.

After museum school and music class we headed over to the zoo for the spring Homeschool Day. It was a major set up this time around and I couldn’t resist going for at least an hour because the weather was SO AWESOME!!

March 1, 2012

Here the girls are yelling ‘MONKEY’ at the top of their lungs.

March 1, 2012March 1, 2012

Nadia was very excited to touch a “rat snake” and wanted a photo of this Mexican Alligator Lizard.

March 1, 2012

This is the closest I have even been to this guy.

March 1, 2012

March 1, 2012

We had a really nice time, but the girls were completely worn out after having a busy morning before hand.