Valentine’s Day 2012

I know this post is a month late, but the photos are cute!


I was REALLY excited about Valentines this year because of Amelie’s Gotcha Day Anniversary. I bought little gifts for the girls – 1 game to share “Uno Moo.” Then a Hello Kitty Pez dispenser for Amelie and a Yoda for Nadia. We also got a lot of stickers for Amelie and a Star Wars M&M dispenser. They were really excited.


Getting Pez dispensers was apparently so exciting that they fell over.


Nadia seeing the M&M Dispenser.


That day we went to the gym and I went up to the school to mentor my little KIDS HOPE USA child. After the girls had a nap we went to dinner EARLY at Pei Wei and headed home to bake heart cookies. It was a wonderful day!

Gotcha Day 01_01

Thankful Thursday


  •  For laundry
  • Not for having to do it per se, but rather the fact that my family is SO BLESSED that we each have our own set of clothes. And we have a set for winter and for summer. And jackets and hats and swimsuits. You get the idea.


Grammies are Great!

If you have read our blog for any time at all, you know how I love my Grammie! She lives close by and comes to have a playdate with the girls nearly every week. She is a fantastic Great Grandma. She came over this weekend to see the new playset and she was outside for about 1 minute when I looked out and she was already up top. So of course I ran right out with the camera.

Grammie 3.17.12

Then the girls said, “Go down the slide!”

Grammie 3.17.12

Grammie 3.17.12

Grammie 3.17.12

Later in the visit I took this photo – they were doing math 🙂

We love you Grammie!

Thankful Thursday

1 yr with Amelie

  • For my WONDERFUL husband Mike! Today is his birthday and my life is so much better because he is my husband!

There are so many reasons I am thankful for Mike, but I will just list a few.

  • For loving God and seeking to serve him.
  • For your compassionate heart for those in need.
  • For taking such good care of us!
  • For making me laugh every single day. If laughter adds years to your life I am going to live to be 150 years old.
  • For being such a great daddy to our girls!
  • Because you do cool stuff like build outdoor wonderlands and gardens for your family.
  • For having the idea to do family dress up for Halloween.
  • For being a part of the PJ Polar Express party – jammies and all.