
The Science and History Museum has a new exhibit called “Grossology – the (impolite) science of the human body” and we went to the member preview the day before it opened. Mike was building the girls their new and totally awesome playset so we took Grammie along on our adventure.
Nadia was really fond of this musical toot machine.
The girls started calling this robot “The Booger Guy” and we have heard about him every single day! I did learn that you produce a quart of mucus every day. There were TONS and TONS of interesting factoids in this exhibit. I know that we will be back with Mike and probably others before it leaves in the fall so I will take more time to read everything. It’s a really great set up and there are so many things I didn’t get photos of because the girls wanted to check everything out and it was pretty overwhelming to Amelie. There are games and slides and air guns and it’s all themed to bodily functions.
I can safely say that the 7 – 10 year old boys we saw were having the most fun of anyone 🙂   (of course it sounded like their homeschool moms were quizzing them every step of the way)
Amelie with a kidney or maybe a heart.
After the museum we went to Dairy Queen to have Blizzards with Grammie. It is such a blessing that I have those DQ memories from my childhood with Grammie and now my girls will have them too!
Thankful Thursday
- I am thankful that the Hameloth family has Josie! Feel free to go to their blog and read about the rest of their adventures in China.
- For attending the Sally Clarkson conference last weekend.
- For Mike keeping the girls so that I could attend the conference.
- For all the sweet women I met and the wonderful words of encouragement the speakers had.
- For my sister Bayli coming down for the evening. We played on the Wii and she played with the girls and then we had dinner. A lovely night.
Rex’s Conference Adventures
Nadia told me that she was going to miss me SO MUCH when I went to the Sally Clarkson conference so she gave me Rex to ride along in the car. This post is for you Nadia!
Rex on the way to conference.
Rex digging in my bag.
Rex trying to drive us back to the hotel after lunch.
Rex trying to eat my leftover tacos.
Rex guarding the car while I am gone.