Amelie “making” cookies


Amelie has been wanting to help cook so badly when she sees Nadia, but overall she is still too little. So we bought some of the those prepared sugar cookies at Target and I made a really big deal of telling her I needed her to help me cook. We washed hands and I let her place the cookies anywhere on the cookie sheet that she wanted. Amelie was so proud she was practically glowing.




Once they were done we all had some and I think that might have been her favorite part 🙂


I couldn’t resist a little flashback from 2008 photo of Nadia.


Trip to Sugarland

Meeting the twins

Nadia holding a baby for the first time – her cousin Caleb.

We headed down to Sugarland, TX for a quick trip to see Chris and Jen’s twins and to meet Lisa and Michael’s new son Matthew. It was a whirlwind, but so fun! I have been dying to see the boys and was so happy we worked it out for a visit. Nadia was not sure what all the hype was since they couldn’t “play”, but then she thought it was cool to hold one of the boys. Jen suggested we head for the park since it was a beautiful day and our girls had been cooped up in the car all morning. While the kids played and Chris walked the boys in their stroller Jen and I chatted. Her mom Jane came by and we had a quick visit.

Meeting the twins

Nadia is so strong.

Meeting the twinsMeeting the twins

Sweet sisters.

That night we headed over to Pearl Dynasty to have dinner and meet Matthew. Nadia and Angelina were so happy to see each other and started to play right away. Meanwhile Amelie tried to eat her weight in spring rolls.

Meeting the twins

Meeting the twins

Meeting the twins

Thank God for His blessings poured out on our two families. And that we live close enough to see each other regularly. The next morning we got up and had breakfast, packed up and went back to Chris and Jen’s. I had the girls bring in their toys and books and they had a great time showing Jen everything while Mike and I fed and held the babies. It made my heart so happy.

Meeting the twins

Meeting the twins

This photo is precious! Thank for having us for a visit!

Thankful Thursday


Oh so thankful that we were able to visit Chris and Jen and to meet their sweet babies – Caleb and Joshua. I look forward to seeing these boys and my girls grow up – Cousins ROCK!