The morning of Halloween Mike took Nadia with him for the costume contest and lunch at his office. She was pretty excited for all the special attention she got and to be at Daddy’s office with a bag full of toys and activities while he was working. While they were there I took Amelie with me to Outback to use a free lunch coupon. That evening we headed out to a neighborhood in our area that we heard went all out for Halloween. And we weren’t disappointed – what an amazing display they put on. Everyone was so friendly and most were out on their porches waiting for kids to show up. It took Amelie 1.2 houses to realize that she could say some form of “trick or treat” and chocolate would appear. She was highly motivated and she didn’t need the stroller until way past dark. We got a lot of attention, just like when we went to Boo at the Zoo, and several people asked to take our photo.
Look at this amazing house that did the “Wizard of Oz” – I loved it so much!!!!
After trick or treating we went to see a pirate ship someone built in their front yard that was featured on the news. Nadia really got a kick out of it and the family put so much effort into the details.
From there we headed to my aunt and uncle’s house. We were surprised to find one of my cousins there with her new son. It was great to see him in person.
Then we made our trek over to Grammie’s house for a quick visit. We ended the night at our friends the Hathcocks’ house. We didn’t get home until midnight…it was crazy. Needless to say the girls were exhausted, but we all had so much fun!!!!