The week of Thanksgiving this year we headed to Albuquerque, NM to my Grandma’s house so that she could meet Amelie and see Nadia again. That will be a separate blog post, but I did want to mention where we started. From there we headed to Denver, CO to spend the weekend with our friends Randy, Jessica and their children. On Thanksgiving Randy smoked a turkey and Jess has prepped everything else the day before while we were driving up. The weather was so nice that the girls had a blast playing outside in the morning.
Abby set the table and made name plates for each of us. The food was fantastic as always with the Petermans. Jess made 2 kinds of pumpkin pie and a chocolate cream pie based on a Colonial Williamsburg recipe.
Here is Randy getting the turkey ready to become soup for Friday night. After this we headed to the park so the girls could run around.
After the park the girls did some crafts while Jess and I made our Black Friday attack plan and around 7 am we were on the road. Jess loves Black Friday shopping and it was a blast to just be together! We both scored some great deals and while we were gone Mike took Randy and all the girls out to breakfast. He told me that they saw quite a few other dads and kids which I thought was funny.
Friday night my Dad’s cousin Kathy, her husband John, daughter Emma and my Great Uncle Jack came over for soup and ice cream. Emma was about to turn 3 and it was so sweet to see the girls playing together. It was such a nice visit and we are grateful that they drove south to visit us.
The next morning we packed up to head back to Texas. The girls played until the last possible second and then we took some goodbye photos.
Thanks for hosting us this year Randy and Jess. We love you guys!!!