I had been looking for a little kid friendly Advent devotion. Nadia is really wiggly so I was also looking for something hands on. Enter “Truth in Tinsel” an ebook by Amanda White. It’s very well thought out, a good level for little kids and the kids can make their ornament each day. I bought it at 11 pm on November 30th, but since we are an arts and crafts house I had what I needed for the first 3 days on hand so we were ready to go. Nadia was also given the Star Wars Lego Advent calendar for her birthday from Papa and Grandma Brooke.

She is so excited to start!
Working on our devotion for day one: Isaiah 9:2-7. The ornament was a candle.
Amelie holding her chocolate Advent calendar (at this point she doesn’t know it contains chocolate). She was REALLY excited when the door opened and chocolate popped out 🙂
That night we headed to church for dinner and Advent candy chain making. It was a great night with friends.