Aunt Michelle’s visit – October 2011

Aunt Michelle 2011
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My sister Michelle was here in Texas with her job the week before my birthday so she extended her stay to spend the weekend with us. We picked her up at TCU after the law school fair at 2 pm on Friday and the adventures began. It was her first chance to meet Amelie and Nadia was thrilled to see her again. We skype with her as much as possible, but to hug in real life is so great! The first thing we did was head back to the house for Amelie to take a much needed nap. Michelle really wanted Texas BBQ for dinner so we planned to hit Danny D’s in Hurst. (if you have never been, it’s yummy) After our meal Michelle commented on how different it is seeing us with 2 kids. That made me laugh since it’s true on so many levels.

On Saturday Michelle, the girls and I all headed to Jurnee’s fairy party which I already blogged about. After that Aunt Michelle played games, read books and had a blast with the girls until everyone needed a nap. That night we headed for Angelo’s BBQ (see top photo). Michelle bought some spices to take home and she tells me that John has already made her some yummy chicken.

On Sunday we took it easy in the morning with lots more Aunt Michelle play time. For lunch we met Laura and her kids at Bellisimo for some yummy Italian food. Then we rode over to their place for Michelle to see all their cats and their new house. The girls passed out on the way home.

Aunt Michelle 2011

That evening we headed for Party City to pick up the supplies for Nadia’s party. The photo below will make me smile for all my days!

Aunt Michelle 2011

That night we had a craft a rama! Nadia and I believe that you can never have too many foamies and have now converted Michelle.

Aunt Michelle 2011

Aunt Michelle 2011Aunt Michelle 2011

Aunt Michelle 2011

When I woke up the next day Michelle and Nadia were waiting for me with cards that were so sweet. We had a great morning and then took her to the airport and I tried hard not to cry after having so much fun catching up and watching the girls have so much fun with Michelle. Love you!

Aunt Michelle 2011

Happy 5th Birthday sweet Nadia!

birthday crop
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Happy 5th Birthday sweet Nadia! You have been excited about turning 5 since you turned 4! The number 5 has been your favorite number for as long as I can remember so this birthday is a big deal to you. We have watched you grow and mature so much in the last year. I have been in awe the last month or so at how ‘big girl’ you seem.  Here is a quick look at the last year – and what a year it’s been with the addition of Amelie to our family and you becoming a big sister. We love you Nadia!

5 yr post

October 2010 – 4 years old

5 yr post

November 2010

5 yr post

December 2010

5 yr post

January 2011

5 yr post

February 2011

5 yr post

March 2011

5 yr post

April 2011


May 2011

5 yr post

June 2011

5 yr post

July 2011

5 yr post

August 2011

5 yr post

September 2011

Jurnee’s Fairy Birthday Party

Fairy Birthday Party
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Nadia’s sweet friend Jurnee turned 5 at the beginning of the month and her birthday party was at ‘Sweet & Sassy’. She had an Enchanted Fairy party and boy was it an adventure. The girls arrived and picked out a fairy dress to wear. Then they moved to the hair and make up area for the “high school girls” (Nadia’s words) to do their hair and face paint. Nadia didn’t want them to do her hair, but she did get glitter spray and the face paint.

Fairy Birthday Party

Can you believe this? I think I wasn’t prepared for how overwhelming this place was going to be 🙂

Fairy Birthday Party

Once the girls were set the employees had them get up on the stage/catwalk to do some dancing. This was really cute to watch.

Fairy Birthday Party

Fairy Birthday Party

Here is Amelie – terribly upset that she is trapped on the sidelines when she could be in a fairy dress with glitter in her hair dancing on stage. I wonder if her little kid mind was wondering if I was punishing her or something because she had to stay on the side lines with Aunt Michelle and I.

After the dancing the girls went behind the stage and one of the employees did an announcement of each girl coming out on stage and being given their fairy wings and wand. Nadia ended up first in line and I don’t think she knew what hit her.

Fairy Birthday Party Fairy Birthday Party

Fairy Birthday Party

Look at Jurnee with her very cool rainbow wings! Then it was time for group photos and a parade around the store.

Fairy Birthday Party

After the parade the girls went into a side room for cake and juice and then Jurnee opened her presents.

Fairy Birthday Party

At this point Amelie took to the stage – thrilled that all the other girls were in the other room so she could do a little dancing and jumping. When the party was over I snapped this photo of Aunt Michelle and the girls.

Fairy Birthday Party

Thanks for inviting us to celebrate your day Jurnee!

Monarch Butterflies

We studied Monarch Butterflies in our Autumn unit study. A couple of weeks ago when we were leaving church I saw some on the bushes near our car. Mike was able to capture some photos that I thought turned out awesome. I told Nadia that it was like a little gift from God to be able to see them in real life right before we did our study.

Monarch 2011
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Monarch 2011

Monarch 2011

Here are some things we learned that I found interesting.

  • The orange coloring on the Monarch’s wings makes animals and birds throw up if they are eaten. So many birds have learned to avoid them.
  • Monarchs come out with huge abdomens filled with liquid. They move all the liquid into their wings to make them larger then sit still for a few hours for their wings to harden. Then they are able to fly.
  • Monarchs born in the spring only live 3 months.
  • Monarchs born in the summer live 9 months and they are the ones that migrate in the fall and spend the winter in Mexico and other protected southern areas.