
August 1, 2011
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We started of August with Elliot’s Pirate Birthday party and we had so much fun! My friend Tricia did an awesome job setting up this party for Elliott’s 4th birthday. Nadia also wanted to go in costume which I thought was cute.

August 1, 2011 August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

Here are some of the decorations and food. Look at the cake Tricia’s mom made! It’s amazing! Nadia talked about this cake for days.

August 1, 2011

Nadia walking the plank and Amelie saying, “wa wa! wa wa! wa wa!” I had to keep on eye on her because I think she would have jumped right in if given the chance.

August 1, 2011

Nadia with a treasure map.

August 1, 2011

Nadia with Elliott while he opens the present from her.

August 1, 2011

Elliott before blowing out the candles.

August 1, 2011

And my favorite photo of the day (taken by Tricia). AAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Star Wars School

Jolanthe at Homeschool Creations did a Star Wars Preschool pack and I was so excited because I knew Nadia would be SO EXCITED! I prepped everything in secret and we kicked off our school year with a whole bunch of joy filled screaming! Here is what we started with:

Star Wars School
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When Nadia realized what was going on she HAD to get her Jedi robe before we could start. Thanks again Jenn R.

Star Wars School

She wanted to be a bunny one day.

Star Wars School

Star Wars School

This read, build, write page is great!

Star Wars School

Making a book practicing location words.

Star Wars School

Star Wars Popsicle stick puppets.

Star Wars School

Her lapbook is done. Thanks for the stickers Kathy E and Rieley.

Star Wars School

Look at the fun puzzle I found at the Target Dollar spot.

Star Wars School

And my friend Lynnea would say this is my “over-achiever part”.

Star Wars School

STAR WARS PANCAKES BABY! I gave Nadia one of Darth Vaders ships and she had to sing “bum bum bum ba ba bum ba ba bum” before she could eat.

Here is a list of the books we read over the course of the week (all from the library).

  • Death Star Battles – Simon Beecroft
  • Blast off – DK easy reader
  • What is a Wookie? –  Laura Butler
  • The Adventures of Han Solo – Lindsay Kent
  • Yoda in Action – Heather Scott
  • Forces of Darkness – Heather Scott
  • Pirates… and worse! – Simon Beecroft
  • Jedi Heroes – Clare Hibbert
  • Clone Troopers in Action – Clare Hibbert
  • Feel the Force – Benjamin Harper
  • Tatooine Adventures – Clare Hibbert
  • Don’t Wake the Zillo Beast – DK easy reader
  • Boba Fett: Jedi Hunter – Clare Hibbert
  • Jedi in Training – Heather Scott
  • Join the Rebels – Catherine Saunders
  • Jedi Adventures – Heather Scott

Nadia had a really fun time with Star Wars school. We also started her Math and Art curriculum this week and she is doing well.

P.S. One morning while I was making breakfast I turned around to see this.

Star Wars School