Jolanthe at Homeschool Creations did a Star Wars Preschool pack and I was so excited because I knew Nadia would be SO EXCITED! I prepped everything in secret and we kicked off our school year with a whole bunch of joy filled screaming! Here is what we started with:

When Nadia realized what was going on she HAD to get her Jedi robe before we could start. Thanks again Jenn R.
She wanted to be a bunny one day.
This read, build, write page is great!
Making a book practicing location words.
Star Wars Popsicle stick puppets.
Her lapbook is done. Thanks for the stickers Kathy E and Rieley.
Look at the fun puzzle I found at the Target Dollar spot.
And my friend Lynnea would say this is my “over-achiever part”.
STAR WARS PANCAKES BABY! I gave Nadia one of Darth Vaders ships and she had to sing “bum bum bum ba ba bum ba ba bum” before she could eat.
Here is a list of the books we read over the course of the week (all from the library).
- Death Star Battles – Simon Beecroft
- Blast off – DK easy reader
- What is a Wookie? – Laura Butler
- The Adventures of Han Solo – Lindsay Kent
- Yoda in Action – Heather Scott
- Forces of Darkness – Heather Scott
- Pirates… and worse! – Simon Beecroft
- Jedi Heroes – Clare Hibbert
- Clone Troopers in Action – Clare Hibbert
- Feel the Force – Benjamin Harper
- Tatooine Adventures – Clare Hibbert
- Don’t Wake the Zillo Beast – DK easy reader
- Boba Fett: Jedi Hunter – Clare Hibbert
- Jedi in Training – Heather Scott
- Join the Rebels – Catherine Saunders
- Jedi Adventures – Heather Scott
Nadia had a really fun time with Star Wars school. We also started her Math and Art curriculum this week and she is doing well.
P.S. One morning while I was making breakfast I turned around to see this.