- For air conditioning. Our A/C motor went out yesterday afternoon and by 10 pm last night it was 88 in our house. We turned on all the fans and drank a lot of water to get through the night.
- The A/C repairman is here now so I am also thankful for the money to fix the A/C.
Wordless Wednesday
Amelie’s 1st trip to the Zoo

The Fort Worth Zoo is amazing and we love having a membership! I thought it would be so fun to take Amelie for the first time the day after she got her cast off. So these photos are from April 28, 2011 and our first family day at the zoo. Amelie loved it and we ran into our friend Tricia with her mom and kiddos. She gave us the outfits that the girls had on (totally cute, huh?)
Amelie was fascinated with the penguins and this was the first time we had seen the ones the Zoo introduced in the outside habitat. We didn’t see everything because there were about 10,000 elementary school children there on field trips. So we saw the highlights and then headed home – it’s the beauty of having a memebership.
6 months with Amelie
Whoooooshhhh! In some ways our first 6 months with Amelie flew by because all of us were in transition. Having no “Infant Buffer” was a challenge for all of us in one way or another. Now we have settled into a routine and I can look back and see how far Amelie has come and how far we have come as a family. It’s hard to believe it’s been 4 months since her first surgery. She is so proficient with her hands that it’s hard for me to remember what they were like before. She understands nearly everything we say to her and she is learning more and more English each week. She has gained 7 pounds and grown 3″ and her proudest accomplishment of the summer is learning to jump!
We love you Amelie!