For the rain we had in North Texas last night. Thank you Lord for giving some relief to the parched land.
Wordless Wednesday
PE for homeschool
Or Wii time! I love their intense concentration. Notice Amelie has a book because I wouldn’t give her a controller.
Weekend in Houston

Our last planned road trip of the summer was to Houston for my cousin Jen’s TWIN baby shower. Everything worked out in such an awesome way that we crammed in seeing so many people we love – if we had more time I think we could have seen even more. On the way down I got an email that I was the “elite member of the day” and when we showed up we had our own parking spot in the front and this sign at the front desk. Plus a little treat at check in.
We ate dinner in the room that night and the next morning got up and headed for brunch at my Aunt Jane’s house. We had a really nice time visiting with her, Perry and her sister in addition to Chris and Jen. After brunch we ran back to the hotel so I could change and the girls could nap while I went to Jen’s baby shower. It was so sweet to see the outpouring of love for their boys.
Jen’s dad is “Mr. Hunting Dude” and sent the boys their first camo. Adorable!
Jen’s sister Leslie makes handmade nursing covers. Isn’t it pretty? She sells them on Etsy.
This is me with Jen and Jane. I love them!
I didn’t think we were going to get a chance to see my Dad on this trip, but he flew in early from a business trip in London so he joined us for dinner at Pearl Dynasty. SO YUMMY! One of the families from Nadia’s travel group owns it and the food is delicious. You should go there! After dinner we went to have ice cream with our friends and my dad headed home to get over the jet lag.
Could these girls be any cuter? Melts my heart!
Last of all on Sunday morning I was thrilled to death to see my sister Tahni. She was in town to shoot a wedding and drove up to the hotel to visit with us. We haven’t seen her since last year when she moved to VA. We miss you Tahni and were so happy you were in town the same weekend as us.
After check out we headed home. It was a whirlwind, but fantastic weekend!