On Monday we got up and went down to the beach. The girls had so much fun!
Nadia called this area “her island” and had a blast playing in lots of water without fear of the waves crashing over her.
After nap time we hung out at the condo and then headed to Captain George’s Seafood buffet. I worked hard at eating my weight in crab.YUM!
On Tuesday we had more beach time in the morning. Nadia was hoping the girls would want to do a craft with her so we brought supplies and did it in the afternoon.
All the girls posing with the completed masks.
Nadia bought this light up gun at a beach store and she had a blast with it. Here are some fun shots of her, Reagan and Amelie on the balcony.
I love this one!!!!
That night Kim made everyone spaghetti and homemade meatballs that were fantastic!!!