Happy 2nd birthday Amelie!

Amelie's Baptism

Happy Birthday Amelie! We love you and are so blessed that you are a part of our family!

It’s been an adventure getting to know your personality and all the little things you do. You amaze me every day with all the things you are able to do. I can’t believe all the things you have learned in 3.5 months with us. You are using more words each week and getting stronger and stronger! I wish I would have videotaped you the first time you climbed the stairs. What a difference today when you can go up and down with ease! You were so wobbly walking when we met you and now you like to RUN everywhere! You are even trying to jump like your big sister. In fact, you try to do almost everything that Nadia does.

Now you love for us to read you books; I have no idea how many times per day I hear, “Ree ree ree!” and look over to see you with a book in your hand. We haven’t really found a food you don’t like. Your current favorites are bananas, eggs, yogurt and chocolate (I know you wish I would give you more of that). You love to play with Nadia upstairs and will follow her up and down all day long. You are a great sleeper and love to snuggle up on the couch with me when you wake up.

You love balloons. L-O-V-E balloons. When we drive past car dealerships you scream and yell and point with excitement. Every single time! You even get excited and scream when you see drawings of balloons in books. When you were given a balloon for the first time last week you had a blast playing with it for ages. You also love to be tickled and will lay down at my feet while I am washing dishes and say, “tickle tickle”. When you wake up and before you go to bed you say, “Tickle tickle” while I am trying to change your diaper.

I look forward to seeing you grow and learn even more in the next year. We love you Amelie!

31 days to Clean: Day 20 – 25

Confession time – this week was really easy for me cleaning wise. It was basically the bathrooms and then touch up work in the office.  Back in Nov/Dec as we prepared for Amelie to join our family I spent LITERALLY dozens of hours in our home office cleaning and organizing. We combined our home office and guest room to make a room for her. So both closets had to be completely cleaned out and both rooms furniture combined into one. I shredded the documents in 11 – that’s right ELEVEN – file folder size boxes. So many documents!  It was 9 trash bags full of shredding by the end. Now I only have the most important documents that we need and they are in nice labeled boxes. Everything in the desk was cleaned out and sorted.

I also keep everything for the KIDS HOPE USA program that I run for my church in this room. File folders, craft supplies, school supplies and other goodies are all organized on one side of the desk. Here is a photo once I did all the “home office” Martha Challenges.


The devotions this week were great for me! So many good and useful topics and really great quotes & Bible verses for encouragement. She talked about Time, making a workable schedule and more. One of my favorite things she talked about was organization. Over the years many people have told me that I am the most organized person that they know. I thrive on being busy, but so I don’t feel overwhelmed I need order. Don’t get the wrong idea, I am not OCD. But when I have opened the cabinets over the last few weeks and everything is tidy and in its proper place, I have felt peace. When I have been able to walk in the pantry and grab what I needed because all the baking stuff is together and the pasta stuff is together, I have felt peace. When I have looked at the list on the freezer door to see what’s inside to decide what to make for lunch or dinner, I have felt peace.

When you aren’t wasting time looking for stuff then you have more time with your family and the chance to do fun stuff instead of grinding away each day.

She said, “The Lord created the universe with order. Each star, planet, animal and rock has a purpose. The world is not haphazard, unrelated or disorganized.” Ah, I loved this!

Papa and Grandma Brooke visit

Papa & Grandma Visit 5/2011
Click on the photo to see album

Several weeks ago we had a visit from Papa and Grandma. They came to play and stayed with Nadia and Amelie while Mike and I headed out for our first dinner alone since Amelie joined our family. We had a great time and even sat on the same side of the booth instead of having to tag team the girls. The food was delicious and our time peaceful.

Papa and Grandma Visit 5/2011

Papa and Grandma Visit 5/2011

The girls on the other hand decided to do their best to wear out Papa and Grandma! They played games, went outside to blow bubbles and use sidewalk chalk. Papa ran to Mc D’s for happy meals (and they got to observe the eating machine Amelie is). They took the girls out for Nadia to drive the Buzz car they gave her for Christmas. What an adventure!! Everyone had a blast and Nadia was immediately asking when they were coming back to visit.

Papa and Grandma Visit 5/2011

Coloring with Papa.

Papa and Grandma Visit 5/2011

The finished product.

The next morning we had waffles to keep with our tradition. It was a really fun time! Thanks Papa and Grandma Brooke! We love you!

Thankful Thursday

  • For the completion of our 5th year of KIDS HOPE USA being at Oakmont.
  • For all the mentors, subs and prayer partners that have served this year (and in the past).
  • For the kids that we have seen grow up and who will now be moving on to the “big kid” school.