We are so thankful for the glowing report that Amelie received at her hand clinic check up at Scottish Rite. They said that everything looks great and to bring her back for a check up in 6 months. They won’t do any more work until she grows some more. Praise God that everything went so well with her first surgery.
Amelie’s first trip to IKEA

We had a few little things we wanted to look for at IKEA and decided to make a Saturday trip up there. Nadia was excited when she found out because it was going to be Amelie’s first trip and she could show her the bunk beds. Her next comment was, “Are we going to eat there?” We told her yes and hit the road. We found everything we were looking for and then some 🙂
I love this photo of them playing on the bunk beds!
International Justice Mission
5 weeks ago was the International Justice Mission Benefit dinner. We weren’t sure how Amelie was going to do with a babysitter so I invited my friend Laura to attend the event with me. They told wonderful stories about the work they are doing around the world to fight for the poor. It is amazing what IJM is doing day in and day out around the world. Fighting for people living lives that we in America could barely imagine. Children as young as 5 in brothels, widows having their land stolen, entire families working off a years old debt in a brick factory. A few days before this dinner they secured the release of more than 500 people from a brick kiln in India – men, women and children suddenly free. IJM works after the release to help them and other victims return to their old life or start fresh in a safer place. The story of the 500 is on their website.
Mike and I are regular supporters of IJM and I encourage you to find out more about them and what they do around the world here.
I know I say it a lot, but YOU can make a difference. I may not be able to go to India and save a family from slavery or go to Cambodia and rescue a child from a brothel, but I can help fund those who do. Everyone can do something!
God bless IJM and all their worldwide employees and their unwavering fight for justice.
Church Picnic 2011

Last month was the annual church picnic. We always invite the kids who attend our Good News Club and kids who are a part of the KIDS HOPE USA program. I was very happy that 6 of our kids showed up, plus one child who graduated out of the program last year. The little boy that I mentored this year came with his mom and it was so nice to meet her in person.
The girls had a great time running around. Amelie was unsure about all the attention she was getting and stayed pretty close to me in big groups. We gave them some lollipops and then they played with the “big girls” at the end.
Here is our pastors wife with the little girl she has mentored for 3 years. Their relationship is so precious.