Friends come to visit

Friends visit!
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At the end of May some of our friends from OK came to visit and we were able to spend several hours with them and their daughter Alyssa – and they had a chance to meet Amelie. The girls had such a good time and I just love watching them play together. North East Mall was having a “kids cooks” event and the big girls each got an apron, a pot holder to decorate and a basket of fake fruit. Then they had food samples from several places. Nadia was also thrilled that they got to ride the little carousel 3 times in a row.

Friends visit!

Nadia loved this cookie guy and kept asking to go over and get a photo or give him a hug. I just wanted the free cookie samples!

Friends visit!

Then last week our friends came in for a doctors appointment for their teenager and we had some fun at the Museum with their family.

Friends visit!

Amelie, Nadia and Rieley.

Friends visit!

Dino Dig. Nadia said, “I am not sure about this? Why are we doing it?”

Thankful Thursday

We are so thankful for the glowing report that Amelie received at her hand clinic check up at Scottish Rite. They said that everything looks great and to bring her back for a check up in 6 months. They won’t do any more work until she grows some more. Praise God that everything went so well with her first surgery.