New Sink – YIPPIE!

When we built our house it had a porcelain sink and over the years the enamel has worn down, was chipped and impossible to clean. The sprayer broke in my hand before we left for China and we were ready for a replacement since it was looking mangy. Mike did research and found a great sink (single bowl), and a matching faucet, soap dispenser and filtered water system. I think it’s AWESOME and keep finding things that make me like it even more. For example, the drawers of our fridge fit inside it to soak and be washed. All the pots and pans and baking dishes fit in there to soak also.


Old/New Sink

Old/New Sink Old/New Sink


Old/New Sink


April 2011 photos

Here are some photos from the month that didn’t fit with any other blog posts. Click on the first photo to see the whole album.

April 2011 - Misc.
Click on the photo to see album

Nadia and Reagan – BFF!

April 2011

Easter basket goodies from Papa and Grandma Brooke.

April 2011

Eileen and Clay came over to meet the girls.

April 2011

Meeting new friends.

April 2011

Look at my belly! (Amelie does this a lot and it’s hilarious)

April 2011

The AWESOME clippie tree from Kim and her girls. We LOVE THIS!!!

The Michelin Man

When Nadia was about 2 1/2 she developed a fascination with the Michelin Man. For her 3rd birthday Mike was able to find a stuffed Michelin Man and Michelin Dog that we gave her at her birthday party.  A few weeks ago I went out to run a few errands and I saw the Grand Opening of a motorcycle shop by our house and told Mike he should take Nadia for a surprise.

The Michelin Man
“The Matrix Michelin Man”

The Michelin Man

The Michelin Man
Happy Girl!

The Michelin Man
Then Nadia wanted to take a photo of Daddy. Good job, huh?

31 Days to Clean

I have been seeing mention of this book and challenge for the month of May on many blogs I read/people I follow on Twitter. I read some reviews and finally decided I would buy the ebook. From what I can tell it’s a cross between a devotional for moms and cleaning challenge.  I have only read through the first few days since it’s late, but I will be a part of the link up each Friday. Then I will have a better review to give on the book. Her little cleaning things at the end of each page seem like something any mom could squeeze into the day. They also appear to be things that I don’t usually do – like clean the inside of your kitchen windows.

So I am interested to see how it goes and it’s fun to see hundreds of women across the web doing this together. I will report back Friday to let you know how the week went.