So I totally had to prepare for this in secret. Planned, printed and laminated while Nadia was asleep and then put everything into hiding until I was sure we had time to complete it. The scream of delight was worth it all 🙂

This is what we started with and most of the printables came from the 1+1+1=1 site. I picked up an activity book at SuperTarget and some easy readers from the library. Nadia also wanted to wear her Batman PJ’s as much as possible while we worked on this throughout the week.
We did sizing and patterns. Here Nadia had Batman say, “Look how BIG I got!”
We put together a Heroes and Villains book. At the end I had a photo of Nadia on the “I am a good guy” page and she was thrilled! I should have video taped her going through the book and then seeing that at the end. Then we used the letter tiles to spell all the words in the book.
We practiced writing upper and lower case B’s.
Grammie was over one day so she played a game in the activity book.
Nadia glued the heroes on one side and villains on the other. We did a find the letter game where I said letters and she had to find them as fast as possible.
We did more pages out of the activity book and she did a lot of coloring. We also did numbers and a little addition.
Are these guys cute or WHAT? I found them on the Toy a Day site.
On the last day I gave Nadia all the stickers from the activity book and she used them to decorate the lapbook. Here is what her lapbook looked like by the end.
Mike read Nadia some of the “Brave and Bold” comics. Plus “My Frozen Valentine” and “Double Trouble” easy readers. We recorded the always campy original Batman from the 60s and let her watch an episode each night. She LOVED it; especially if BatGirl or the Joker were a part of the episode.