So I looked ahead at some of the Martha Challenges and decided to do the devotions over the weekend too. Sarah Mae had some great topics for moms in this set of devotions: fighting fatigue, motivation, and self discipline. She also had some fun with personality types to find your cleaning style.
The book has “bedrooms” as a section like “kitchen”. I knew there was NO WAY I could do each thing in each bedroom so I decided just to focus on our master bedroom and it’s now in the best shape it’s been in for years! Here is a photo during the clean out of the room.

Everything in the room was dusted and sorted for purging/donating, keeping or being put back in its real “home”. I cleaned the blinds and washed the drapes. Baseboards and door frames were cleaned. Wood furniture was dusted and I can actually see my nightstand now. I am a total book JUNKIE and my reading stack was a little high and out of control. So its sorted and stored much better now.

The closet took me a good hour and 45 minutes. The girls played on our bed nearly the whole time. For some reason it was hilarious to them to roll around on the bed and read books. It helped me to be able to plow through. I was also happy that Mike and I had both gone through all our clothes last month to donate stuff to the church garage sale. That left me free to focus on the shelves and floor. I store all my scrapbooking stuff in here so it was nice to get all of that organized too.

I also got the closet, drawers and cabinets in our master bathroom organized. Nadia’s room was in dire need of help so we spent an hour in there too. She thought it was torture because she had to help:)

Now that I am more than halfway through the book I have noticed that I continue to do a much better job keeping up with the stuff that has already been cleaned – especially the kitchen. Today I got the island and my hutch cleaned off and I was so excited I took photos. Ahhhhhhhhh!

Mike has also been busy installing some new things for me, but I am going to save that for another post. So thankful that Mike is so handy around the house and willing to do all these little home improvement things.