Thankful Thursday – 2 Months with Amelie

I am so thankful for Amelie. We get to know a little more of her personality with each passing day as she grows more comfortable with us. It’s definitely been different this time around adding a toddler to our family instead of an infant. Here’s a two month update:

  • She can understand most commands which shows that her receptive learning is doing great.
  • She can do somersaults already.
  • She LOVES music. Loves to dance and sing.
  • The cast doesn’t slow her down. She has some frustration, but basically she is just adapting to it.
  • She loves to make everything a game.
  • Her laugh is adorable.
  • We are seeing her smile more and more as she becomes more content with us.
  • She has learned not to pinch or hit in frustration. She still wants to some days, but she mostly has it trained out of her now.
  • She sleeps all night and we are so grateful.
  • She will let us read books to her now. In the beginning she would get angry and try to slam the book shut.
  • She is getting good with a spoon and fork. We try to practice every day.

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Here are a few things she can say (or at least we understand her):

  • “Hi Dada!” (her only sentence and it’s crystal clear. Also said with great excitement when he gets home from the gym or work)
  • More
  • Eat
  • issue  (for tissue)
  • Baa boo (diaper)
  • Jie Jie (big sister)
  • Yo yo ( for yogurt)
  • Up (sounds like puh)
  • Help (sounds like Up, but she uses a different hand motion)
  • “bess you” (bless you – she does it to herself after she sneezes)
  • Thank you
  • Down
  • fuf fuf (crawling around like a dog, mimicking her sister)
  • Chic (for cheek)
  • Turtle
  • Rub Rub (she does this when I put mederma on a scar each day)
  • Foot
  • Ga ge (for again; most often said when she wants to read a book or be tickled again)
  • Tree
  • Wa wa (water)
  • See see…see see…see see See SEE (she constantly says “see” now to get you to look at random things, and it will get louder until you look)
  • She doesn’t say “yes” or “no”, but nod or shakes her head instead.
  • Mmm Mmm Mmm (said sometimes while she’s eating)
  • Bubble (crytal clear, but I don’t think she knows what it means)
  • Uh oh! (said sometimes when she has an accident or drops something)
  • Whoa! (said sometimes when she falls down)
  • She says various things along with us while we read her stories, like “moo”, “faster faster”, “baa”, and so on.
  • Ma Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (usually when she needs me to comfort her)

Amelie’s First trip to the Museum

Amelie's First Trip to the Museum
Click on the photo to see album

Cade and Amelie.

We met our friends Brooke, Eli and Cade at the science and history museum for our last playdate with them before their move. It was also Amelie’s first visit and after about 15 minutes she entered into the “overwhelmed and what is going on here” state.  She was looking every direction and at all the kids. I took her over to see what Nadia was up to in the grocery store area and then she really started to have fun.

Amelie's First trip to the Museum

She really liked pushing the buttons on the cash register.

Amelie's First trip to the Museum

Amelie's First trip to the Museum

Amelie had fun playing with the trains and looking at the animals in glass cases at her eye level. Overall she was moving way too fast and almost all the photos were blurry. Eli and Nadia got a good look at a bearded lizard, tarantula and boa constrictor.

Amelie's First trip to the Museum

Nadia and Eli walking along. So cute.

Amelie's First trip to the Museum

Here are all the kids right before we left.

Amelie's First trip to the Museum

Then the little kids were done with the photos and just the big kids were left.

Amelie's First trip to the Museum

Amelie’s Surgery

Amelie's 1st Surgery - 4/6/2011
Click on the photo to see album

I want to start by saying that Texas Scottish Rite for Children is an amazing place with an amazing staff. They immediately put me at ease, and the love they have for the kids is so obvious. We got to the Day Surgery Unit at about 7am and met Melanie, the nurse for that area. Amelie was the first surgery of the day so it was only us for a little while. The anesthesiologist talked to us and then finished reading Amelie’s file. The nurse Melanie was so sweet! She got Amelie weighed and told us that we could turn on the TV if we wanted, but Amelie just wanted to check everything out in this new place.

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

First Surgery - April 6, 2011
Throughout our waiting Melanie had books and toys for Amelie.

First Surgery - April 6, 2011
A band for me and a band for Amelie; she messed with these for a long time.

I got her diaper changed and into the gown and one of the hand unit Fellows came to talk to us. He told us what the goals were and what he thought they might try to do. Then a little while later Dr. Ezaki came to talk to us and she told us what her goals were and how long she thought it would take. Her goals were much more complex than what the other person said and I was feeling GREAT after talking to her. She has a wonderful way about her and we had heard over and over about how wonderful she is in the field.

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

Then, after about the 12th person asked us if Amelie had any known allergies and “when was the last time she ate or drank,” it was time for them to give Amelie the meds to make her relax and not be so worried when they took her away. She was really woozy by the time the anesthesiologist, Dr. Wall, came to get her. At this point I was ready for them to start the surgery and get the ball rolling; the waiting was getting to me.

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

Once they took her off to surgery Melanie suggested that we go down to the cafeteria and get some breakfast. Scottish Rite has this awesome cafeteria with all these different food stations and it’s tasty! We had a peaceful breakfast and answered text messages and emails while we continued to wait. We were asked by a volunteer if we were here to take photos (since Mike had his camera bag) and we told him our daughter was having hand surgery. He asked who was doing the surgery and Mike said, “Dr. Ezaki.” The guy got this happy look on his face and said, “She is in good hands. She’s the best in the world.” As we got off the elevator he said, “Day surgery?” Mike said yes and he laughed and said, “Figures.” (like it’s Dr. Ezaki, of course it’s just day surgery). We had a good laugh about that and Mike started making jokes about how “we have the best hand surgeon in the world – 17 people have told us so”. So he was making Facebook status updates and comments and saying we need to sell shirts. We were just enjoying ourselves as we waited to hear from the surgeon. Our friend Randy read the Facebook status and quickly registered this site: We laughed so hard that I cried – thanks Randy (you earned your stay at our house this weekend).

Then Dr. Ezaki came out to talk to us and show us the photos of Amelie’s hand before they put the cast on. She told us she was able to separate the fingers, save the end of her middle finger, which she originally said she wanted to save but there was a chance that it might have to be removed. That was great news! She also said, however, that there is a gap in it without any bone, so they might have to do a bone graft at a later time. She also talked about some curvature in her pinky from it having been attached to the other finger so long, and therefore they would have to do some other things because of that, but it was really over our heads, so we’ll just have to wait and see what comes next. In all it couldn’t have been more encouraging, and seeing those pictures of that previously jumbled mess of fingers all separated was amazing!

A short time later Melanie told us that Amelie was awake and not screaming so they decided to bring her to us. She whimpered a little when she saw us, but they got her mostly unhooked and in my lap. She seemed confused about what was on her arm, but otherwise just looking around a little fussy.

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

Melanie gave Amelie some pain meds and sent me down to the pharmacy to grab our prescription to take home. We waited around another 30 minutes or so and were reminded another 15 times not to let her go near water or get the cast wet, or even play outside or get too warm at night (so that she wouldn’t sweat). We were basically told we had no excuse since she wasn’t in daycare – it was our job to keep that cast clean and dry for 3 weeks. I told the surgeon I would turn on my OCD switch.  We left for home about noon and got Amelie inside the house and settled.  She was pretty irritable and very annoyed by the cast. Every time she tried to use her left hand and the cast came up she would start to cry in frustration. We gave her the next dose of pain medicine and put her down for a nap. Once she woke up it was the same happy Amelie we have grown used to; sweet girl who is just rolling with whatever comes along. She was following Nadia around and playing like a happy kid. At one point I was on the floor with her and she stood up and did a somersault while holding her cast out so it wouldn’t touch the ground. Then she sat up and laughed.

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

They told us to give her apple juice so she wouldn’t get constipated and not to give her too much food in case she threw up, so Mike headed to the store. She liked it, but kept making this crazy sour face. She finished the cup and asked for more. Mike had to get the camera out to snap some photos of that face.

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

First Surgery - April 6, 2011

I took a video of her while Mike and Nadia were at the store.

The surgery couldn’t have gone better and we can’t wait to see her hand in three weeks!