He is Risen!

I hope all our readers have a blessed Easter. Rejoice – He is Risen!

Hear the bells ringing
They’re singing that you can be born again
Hear the bells ringing
They’re singing Christ is risen from the dead

The angel up on the tombstone
Said He has risen, just as He said
Quickly now, go tell his disciples
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead

Joy to the world, He has risen, hallelujah
He’s risen, hallelujah
He’s risen, hallelujah

Hear the bells ringing
They’re singing that you can be healed right now
Hear the bells ringing, they’re singing
Christ, He will reveal it now

The angels, they all surround us
And they are ministering Jesus’ power
Quickly now, reach out and receive it
For this could be your glorious hour

Joy to the world, He has risen, hallelujah
He’s risen, hallelujah
He’s risen, hallelujah, hallelujah

The angel up on the tombstone
Said He has risen, just as He said
Quickly now, go tell his disciples
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead

Joy to the world, He has risen, hallelujah
He’s risen, hallelujah
He’s risen, hallelujah

My Grammie


My Grammie comes over to our house to play with the girls virtually every week. For 3.5 years she had a “playdate” with Nadia and now she has 2 great-granddaughters to have fun with. Nadia adores her and I know Amelie will love these weekly visits just as much as Nadia as soon as she is big enough to understand. This is such a special thing for me to see because growing up I didn’t live near my Grammie. So my special treats were packages that I got from her in the mail or letters written in her beautiful handwriting.

On Christmas Eve my mom would let me open one gift and I ALWAYS picked the one from my Grammie. Once I complained to my Grammie that “nothing ever says Louanne. Ever!” I was referring to things like personalized mugs and keychains. That year for my birthday I got a box full of things with my name on them and it was SO COOL!! A package of personalized pencils for school, a wood carving of my name for my bedroom desk, a watch with my name on the face and more. IT.WAS.AWESOME.

What made me think of all of this today was my Nancy Drew collection. I was getting excited thinking about Nadia learning to read and how when she and Amelie are big enough they can read all my books! I have the entire collection because my Grammie mailed me 3 -4 books at a time throughout my childhood until I had the entire collection of the original 56.

This post could be 10 times longer, but my point is to say that I am blessed that Grammie is such a part of my life and now my girls lives. I love you Grammie!

Amelie’s Baptism

Amelie's Baptism

Click the photo above to see the whole album.

Amelie was baptized with 3 other kids from our church at the beginning of the month. She looked so pretty in the little dress Grammie bought her. (And yes, the hearts are there on purpose in honor of our Valentine’s kiddo). Pastor Jordan explained to the people in the church why we baptize and then started with Amelie. He usually holds the babies, but he decided that I better just hold her and that was the smartest plan. She thought the whole thing was weird and put on her “I am not paying attention to you face.” I have to admit if I was a toddler I would wonder why a bunch of people were looking at me get a handful water poured on my head 🙂

We love being a part of our church and how much love they have showered on our family.

After church we took the girls outside to try and snap some photos. It was really windy, but I think that Mike got some great shots.

Amelie's Baptism

Amelie's Baptism

Amelie's Baptism

Astronaut & Space School

Next up for Nadia’s preschool packs is Astronaut and Space.  I downloaded the pack from Homeschool Creations. The verse for this pack was Psalm 148:3 “Praise Him sun and moon; praise Him all you shining stars.” Here is what we started with (click the photo to see the  whole album):

Astronaunt Preschool Pack
Click on the photo to see album

We read the following books:

  • On the Launch Pad – Michael Dahl
  • Space Boy – Leo Landry
  • There’s no place like Space – Tish Rabe
  • If you decide to go to the Moon – Faith McNulty
  • I want to be an Astronaut – Byron Barton

Astronaut Preschool Pack Astronaut Preschool Pack

We worked on shape-sizing and practiced writing colors.

Astronaut Preschool Pack Astronaut Preschool Pack

Nadia did several worksheets and had fun with her Do-A-Dots. Multiple worksheets came from here.

Astronaut Preschool Pack

Practiced spelling and talked about planets in our solar system. I also got a Solar System Pack from Carisa’s site.

Astronaut Preschool Pack

We played the following game from Mama Jenn.

Astronaut Preschool Pack

And we played MANY games of “space tic tac toe”. I made sure this was laminated because Nadia likes to play over and over.

Astronaut Preschool Pack

We also looked at photos of all the planets (used flash cards from the Solar System pack). Janis brought over quite a few posters we had fun with. Nadia liked the phases of the moon and sun poster the best. She exclaimed, “I had no IDEA the sun was on fire!!!” Nadia decided the coolest thing about going to space would be the weightless part and stuff floating around the shuttle. She said, “Just like when Curious George let all the ants go when he went to space.” We also played with Toy Story playdough. Lots of fun planet and star molds came with it. Nadia also made “earth balls”.

Astronaut Preschool Pack

And the post wouldn’t be complete without a photo of Nadia and her favorite Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear. (those are Buzz goggles too)