I am oh so thankful to God that we have gone from this:

to this:

Amelie is such a happy child and we are blessed that she is comfortable with us now so we get to see the happy girl. She likes to play games and loves to be tickled. She comes to us for hugs and likes to have her forehead kissed. She wants to do every single thing Nadia does and will run after her screaming “JIE JIE!!!” She loves to be thrown up in the air by Mike and swung around just like Nadia. She LOVES TO SING!! If Nadia starts to sing or she hears something she likes in the car she starts trying to imitate it. Nadia liked music at this age, but Amelie is genuinely trying to imitate the same rhythm patterns, which I find amazing.
Edit (added by Mike):
I’m thankful that is just a few weeks she went from recoiling from me while screaming in terror to wanting me to hold her, give her kisses, play with her, and so on. What a relief and delight!