Meeting new people

I want to start my saying that we don’t have a photo for all the new people Amelie has met, but we did have some. In between the sickness and what-not we have had a chance to introduce Amelie to many new people.

Her Great Grammie is continuing the weekly playdate tradition, but now with 2 girls!



With Mike’s cousin Janis that the girls call “Yan Yan”


With Mike’s Aunt Joy.


With Louanne’s Aunt Paula.


And Nadia with my Uncle Roger.


She has also met Mike’s sister Sharon and her cousin Gwen who were here last week for Sharon’s work trip.  She met Mike’s mom right away when we took stuff to the Assisted Living place. Plus a whole bunch of people from church. I am sure the list is longer and I am forgetting others so please forgive me. I really wanted to get these cute photos up though 🙂

For your viewing pleasure

I realized pretty quickly that if I don’t keep up with the videos now that we have 2 kids, I may never catch up. So here is the first round that I had some time edit together; 3 from the China trip and one from home.

The first one is of Nadia at the Novotel Peace in Beijing. She said, “Stay at the bottom of the stairs mommy and watch my show.” It was SO FUNNY that Nadia did this in public. It’s so unlike her if people are watching.

This is the girls playing a little game in the hotel in Ningxia. Notice that Amelie is totally silent which is how she was for the first days with us.

Here is Nadia and the Hameloth girls on one of our sightseeing days in Guangzhou.

This is from last week, about 5 weeks after Amelie joined our family.

Amelie’s Certificate of Citizenship


This was so fun to get in the mail, just like Nadia’s. About two weeks ago we also got the flag that we had flown over the Capital on 2.26.2011 and a very nice letter from our Congressman.

One thing that disappointed me about Amelie’s COC is that there was no letter from the President welcoming the new citizen. I have heard this from other people that once President Obama took office that this ended. You can request a letter from his office and that’s all fine and good, but why not just do it automatically like President Bush did? It’s not like he actually signs it, it’s really just a formality. Seems like such a strange thing to have ended since I think it would mean something to all new citizens – not just the adopted ones.