We all slept until 8 am because we were so tired after such a crazy day. Then we were scrambling like mad because we had to be ready to leave by 9 am. We all got dressed really fast and headed down to the breakfast buffet. We needed to eat before Amelie’s medical exam. Several other families got in much later than us on Friday so we were all in the same boat trying to scarf down some food. We met up with our guide in the lobby and then loaded into a little bus to head to the island for the exam. Notice the Santa Claus hanging up in the background.
There were quite a few other families there, but it wasn’t near as busy as when we adopted Nadia. We saw the family we met at the Novotel and saw their new daughter. I took some photos of the exam room doors and then it was time for me to wait in line with Amelie for her exam. She was NOT excited about being poked and prodded and having her hands and feet checked out. The doctor was very abrupt, but he has to see so many kids that I don’t think bedside manner really matters. Then we had to see the ENT where they checked her ears and squeezed things to make sounds on each side of her head. Our last line to wait in was the height, weight and temperature room. They told us that she weighed 22 pounds (she was dressed) and I can’t remember the height. She didn’t have a fever so they sent us on our way. Here is what she thought of waiting in line.
Then all the other families had to have a TB test done on their children so we just waited around for them to be finished. Amelie didn’t need to have one because she is under 2 years old. Ningxia did a test on her and sent the results with us, but that didn’t really matter. While we waited, Mike had Amelie in the carrier and Nadia on his shoulders and started singing songs with them and swaying back and forth. Amelie enjoyed it and would hold out her arms and swing them back and forth. In those little moments we see her opening up more each day.
After the exams the families went to drop off laundry at one of the shops on the island. Our guide didn’t tell us we were going to do that so I didn’t have anything ready. The van took us back to the hotel and we just had lunch in the room with some rice we brought from Ningxia. Then it was nap time for everyone. After our nap we headed down to the club level to see what they had for dinner and to visit with the other families here to adopt.
After eating we headed down to walk around the pedestrian shopping street where our hotel is located. It looks awesome at night. There are a ton of shops and restaurants and lots of stuff to look at. Mike took a quick photo with his phone and plans to take some better pictures one day this week. We got some ice cream at McDonald’s and then headed back to our room. My heart was made happy to see a Papa Johns and I knew we would be back to eat there.
Amelie warmed up to all of us a lot more on Saturday. By the end of the evening she was chasing Nadia all over the hotel room and yelling “Jie Jie!! Jie Jie!!” That screaming was so much better than the temper tantrums. She had a couple of meltdowns all directed at me, but I told Mike that she doesn’t know I already have one strong willed child so I am ready for this stuff. She smiled and laughed a lot more with us which was a delight for our ears. Nadia was so excited that she wanted to play with her and chase her around the room.